Data Bases |
Information |
Binding Energies (pdf) |
XPS Binding energies lookup table |
Auger transition Energies for Al Kα XPS excitation (pdf) |
X-Ray Data Booklet Binding energies |
Handbook of XPS |
NIST XPS Database |
U. of Western Ontario XPS Ref Pages |
Thermo Fisher XPS Tables |
XPS Polymer Files (pdf) |
XPS Sensitivity Factors |
XPS Software |
Auger Handbook |
Tutorials and Practical Guides |
QUASES: Quantitative Dept Analysis by XPS |
QUASES Training and Videos |
NIST: Inelastic Electrons Mean Free Path |
QUASES: Inelastic Electron Mean Free path calculation |
La Surface |
XPS Sensitivity Factors |
X-Ray Attenuation Lengths |
Thermo Fisher XPS Tables |
The XPS Library |
Binding Energies of Elements in Compounds |
Sensitivity Factors of Elements |